
Monday, December 28, 2009

Ride To The Conway Pub

Last Sunday we wanted to ride with my son and a couple of his friends. The day was turning out to be a perfect riding day with temps in the 70's. Nate had some chores and things to take care of around the home, so we decided to ride the 30 miles to his house and maybe get him moving and ready to ride. We finally left his house around 3pm and decided to ride to Jimi's house.

Nate was riding his Springer Classic with his wife on the back, and there was Dave on his Victory and me on the Vulcan. We headed out a nice wooded country road and noticed a few signs along the way that hinted that the road might be closed ahead. We ignored them and kept going. We'd been riding about 15 minutes and were almost to Jimi's when we came upon a road block directly in front of us. A policeman had his car across the road and was telling everyone to turn back, because of an accident. We hoped it wasn't a motorcyclist.

There was nothing to do but turn around and go back almost to the place we had started from. We took a frontage road and made a huge back-track loop, finally arriving at Jimi's. His bike was out and he was ready to ride. Jimi built his Harley which has a suicide shifter and all kinds of crazy details. Notice the battery near the rear wheel! He's also got the sissy bar I would die for. It looks very sharp and really suits Jimi.

We took off on a ride up towards the Skagit Valley. That is where the tulip fields are and lots of open farmland that is glorious to ride in. Jimi was leading, since he knew where this neat biker hangout was called the Conway Pub. The town of Conway is a little turn-off of the road. It is easy to miss, but somehow the bikers all know about it.

 We had a nice easy evening ride up to Conway. We had dinner there and heard a rock-a-billy band singing for that evening. The crowd seemed to enjoy the music. I endured it. They were starting kareoke later. Luckily we left before that began. I have never understood the fascination with listening to people sing badly who don't realize how bad they are. Maybe that's why I have never watched American Idol. Anyway, we did all have good pub food and beverages. We decided to ride east and follow our favorite Highway 9 south as each of us would drop off the group and head home. Dave and I live the furthest south so we had the farthest to go back, but it was nice to be riding in the evening. We got home just before dark.

It was a fun, easy ride of 130 miles round trip for us. Now we have a new destination to stop and eat when we are up north in the Skagit Valley.

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